The Science of Stress

Stress Effects on the Human Body

While we can't remove the stress from your life (and believe us, we would if we could), we can help you understand it and take action to rebalance your microbiome and create a foundation of resilience.

Below are some of the most common symptoms of sustained stress.


Stress can trigger and intensify tension headaches.

Increased Depression

Chronic stress can wear you down emotionally and lead to depression

Weakened Immune System

Long-term stress weakens your immune system's defenses.

Risk of Heart Attack

Overtime, an increased blood pressure and heart rate can damage your arteries.


Stress makes it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep, leading to insomnia.


Stress affects your body's digestive system which can lead to stomachaches, nausea, and other tummy troubles.

Fertility Problems

Stress interferes with the reproductive system of both men and women, and may make it harder to conceive.

Tense Muscles

Stress makes muscles tense up, and chronic stress can lead to tension-related headaches and backaches.

Origins of Stress

Modern Day Stress

Mental Wellbeing: Powered by Microbes

The microbiome is the community of all the microorganisms that live inside you and work in concert with your body to help you live longer and healthier. When the microbiome is thrown out of balance (taking antibiotics, diet, different lifestyle influences) it can cause negative microbes to take on a larger role.

Fortunately, emerging research shows we can harness the power of microbes to rebalance our microbiome and benefit our mental wellness.

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